Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week is the most important week of the year for us as followers of Jesus. During this time, we enter the mystery of our salvation won for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. You are invited to join us throughout the week.

Palm Sunday, April 13

8 am Blessing of the Palms and Eucharist (said)

10 am Blessing of the Palms,  Procession, and Eucharist (with music)

On this day, we commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Palms are blessed and distributed to the congregation, the Passion Gospel is read, and we celebrate the Eucharist.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Holy Week, April 14-16

Morning Prayer each day  at 9 am

Eucharist celebrated at 6 pm

Triduum Sacrum, Three Holy Days, April 17-19

Maundy Thursday, April 17

Morning Prayer 9 am

Liturgy of the Day at 7:00 pm

This night we gather as Jesus did on that last night with his disciples. As he commanded, we wash one another’s feet, a sign of the love Jesus has for us and calls us to show one another. We celebrate the Eucharist as Jesus first did this night. At the end of the liturgy, the altar is stripped. We gather in prayer before the Sacrament of consecrated bread and wine, watching and praying as Jesus asked his disciples to do that night in the garden.

Good Friday, April 18

Morning Prayer 9 am

Stations of the Cross 12 noon
As Christians have done since the 4th century, we walk the way of the cross as Jesus did on that first Good Friday.

Liturgy of the Day, 7:00 pm

On this day Jesus died, we gather to remember Jesus’ great love for us in going to the cross. We read the Passion Gospel, Venerate the Cross, and chant the ancient Solemn Collects. We receive communion from the bread and wine consecrated the night before.

Holy Saturday, April 19

Liturgy of the Day 9 am

On this morning we gather remembering Jesus rested in the tomb this day. This brief liturgy includes scripture readings and prayers.

Great Vigil of Easter, April 19, 7:45 pm

This night is the Passover of the Lord, when Jesus passed from death to resurrection life. We begin the liturgy outdoors (weather permitting) kindling a fire on the front lawn. From this fire the Paschal Candle is lighted. We follow this light of Christ into the church for readings from scripture and chanted psalms. We renew our Baptismal Vows. To shouts of “Christ is risen!” we ring bells and celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter. A reception follows the Vigil.

Easter Day, April 20

8 am Holy Eucharist (no music)

10 am Festival Eucharist

We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with a glorious liturgy with music.
